jueves, 4 de diciembre de 2008


Van, Salamanca 2008

Méndez Álvaro, Madrid 2008.

Colonia Cathedral tower, march 2006.

Surrealist photographer Brassaï ( Hungary, 1899-1984) showed in his varied Works genuine fascination with "wall language" as he himself called it. He also comments in the amusing article of Aida M. Pereda published in teh newspaper El Público ( http://www.publico.es/) last Friday November 21, some biographical facts and remarks of the autor himself which confirm this genuine oddity: "rare are the instants when we sense the flow of life palpitating with such an intense emotion that they need to be inscribed on a stone, a wall or a tree bark." I share that emotion and think that many of our students share it too or they will. To Brassaï the wall were:"shelter of all which is forbidden" which moreover " gives a voice to all who otherwise would be condemned to silence".

The article illustrates the importance of the exposition which can be visited in the Círculo de Bellas Artes of Madrid till January, 25, and which I also recommend. To me it is just an excuse to talk again about the Urba Art in the Plastic Education lessons and put forward some practice activities on the topic.

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