miércoles, 19 de noviembre de 2008

2. JUST A QUICK LOOK AT Hättingen 2006 VIBES.

Dancing and performance workshop.

An Italian student at Arts workshop.

The Gymnasium Waldstrasse.

European menu.

My good friend, Gorbi.

Hellen Malik walking through the hills near Hättingen. March 2006.

Photography is, from my point of view, one of the great resources to talk about truth, or at least what we think it is our truth. Plato in his play Fedro , reproduces through Socrates´ the following words: “ When somebody senses the beauty of this world and evokes truly beauty (I mean, that of the world of ideas), his spirit adquires wings and longs for flying....Among all kinds of excitement, this fourth kind of delirium is the most magnificient in its causes and effects”. Photography approaches us to truth as well as beauty.

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